余秋雨從 1999 年年底開始實施歷時 4 個月的「千禧之旅」 -- 與鳳凰電視台一行於 1999 年 9 月 27 日啟程,尋訪世界的古老文明。旅程由希臘為起點,探訪雅典、邁錫尼等古城;其次來到埃及,憑弔金字塔和法老王;接著,往以色列、巴勒斯坦、約旦、伊拉克、伊朗等中東地區而去,這些神祕 的國家,人民常年飽受戰爭摧殘;再來,去到人口爆炸的印度,一探菩提樹與洞窟;最後,抵達終點尼泊爾,從此地回到中國。
這是一份真實的考察日記以完成古老的中國文明對世界其他四大文明的世紀拜會。整個活動行程有 3 萬多公里,幾乎囊括了世界所有的古老大河文明,包括了伊斯蘭教、基督教、猶太教、印度教、佛教……等各國宗教文化。
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
I Had to Go and See the Turquoise Myself

This presentation features more than sixty exceptional objects that large embassies, diplomatic missions, and trade delegations from Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Iran offered to the tsars of Russia. Ranging in date from the early sixteenth to the late seventeenth century, these lavish gifts and tributes include rarely seen arms and armor and jeweled ceremonial vessels and regalia intended for the Russian court or the Orthodox church. Some of the finest pieces are equestrian in nature: stirrups with pearls, golden bridles with turquoises and rubies, and saddles covered with velvet and silk.
"The Tsars And The East: Gifts From Turkey and Iran in the Moscow Kremlin," Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
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