Saturday, October 11, 2008

The City I've Loved and Will Always Love

"One constant in New York is the velocity of change. Attempts at freezing time here always fail. New York is too big, dense, various, too full of collisions large and small, artistic and commercial, too full of energy, desire and ambition, to ever remain the way it was. New York is not a museum disguised as a city. It's not Venice."

Pete Hamill, New York Magazine Oct. 6, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008


夫 入道多途,要而言之,不出二種:一是理入、二是行入。理入者:謂藉教悟宗;深信含生同一真性,但為客塵妄想所覆,不能顯了。若也捨妄歸真,凝住壁觀,無自 無他,凡聖等一,堅住不移,更不隨文教,此即與理冥符。無有分別,寂然無為,名之理入。行入謂四行,其餘諸行悉入此中。何等四耶?一報冤行,二隨緣行,三 無所求行,四稱法行。



   三、無所求行者:世人長迷,處處貪著,名之為求。智者悟真,理將俗反,安心無為,形隨運轉,萬有斯空,無所願樂。功德黑暗常相隨逐,三界久居,猶如火 宅,有身皆苦,誰得而安?了達此處,故捨諸有,止想無求。經云:有求皆苦,無求即樂,判知無求,真為道行,故言無所求行。

   四、稱法行者:性淨之理,目之為法。此理眾相斯空,無染無著,無此無彼。經曰:法無眾生,離眾生垢故;法無有我,離我垢故;智者若能信解此理,應當稱法 而行。法體無慳,身命財行檀捨施,心無吝惜,脫解三空,不倚不著,但為去垢,稱化眾生而不取相。此為自行,復能利他,亦能莊嚴菩提之道。檀施既爾,餘五亦 然。為除妄想,修行六度,而無所行,是為稱法行。

By Bodhidharma

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Three Hundred Years From Now

Angry in the ultimate dimension
I close my eyes and look deeply.
Three hundred years from now
Where will you be and where shall I be?

Looking at anger with the eyes of impermanence, we can stop and breathe. Angry at each other in the ultimate dimension, we close our eyes and look deeply. We try to see three hundred years into the future. What will you be like? What will I be like? Where will you be? Where will I be?
The reason we are foolish enough to make ourselves suffer and make the other person suffer is we forget that we and the other person are impermanent.

by Thich Nhat Hanh