Sunday, June 22, 2008



漢 《劉向列仙傳.捲上.蕭史》



Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Ending, Unexpectedly?

“ 公子王孫逐後塵,綠珠垂淚滴羅巾。侯門一入深如海,從此蕭郎是路人。”


又有崔郊秀才者,寓居於漢上,蘊積文藝,而物產罄懸 無何,與姑婢通,每有阮咸之從 其婢端麗,饒彼音律之能,漢南之最也。 姑貧,鬻婢於連帥 連帥愛之,以類無雙, 無雙,即薛太保愛妾,至今圖畫觀之 給錢四十萬,寵眄彌深。 郊思慕無已,即強親府署,願一見焉。 其婢因寒食來從事家,值郊立於柳陰,馬上連泣,誓若山河。 崔生贈之以詩曰:「公子王孫逐後塵,綠珠垂淚滴羅巾。侯門一入深如海,從此蕭郎是路人。」或有嫉郊者,寫其詩于座,公覩詩,令召崔生,左右莫之測也。 郊則憂悔而已,無處潛遁也。 及見郊,握手曰:「『侯門一入深如海,從此蕭郎是路人。』便是公製作也。四百千,小哉!何靳一書,不早相示!」遂命婢同歸,至於幃幌奩匣,悉為增飾之,小阜崔生矣。

《雲溪友議》,唐範攄撰。 攄始末未詳。委巷流傳,失於考證

Friday, June 13, 2008

For There Was No One To Teach Even A King's Son

"I know nothing worse of a man than that he should not know."

Alfred the Great (AD 849-899)

Alfred, of the Kingdom of Wessex, was the first ever English King to defeat the invading Vikings and prevented them from occupying the entire Anglo-Saxon England. In doing so, he also defended the Christian civilization from dying out in England. Alfred revived education during his reign, which had become non-existent in England as four decades of repeated attacks by the Vikings resulted in the destruction of the monasteries and killing of the monks, which was the institution that carried out the tradition of teaching and learning at that time. Alfred himself did not learn to read until age 12 and then only by his own efforts because there were no monks left to teach even a king's son.

Alfred's defense of English civilization earned him the soubriquet the Great.

From "The Story of Britain" by Rebecca Fraser.